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Make a Donation 




Financial Contributions


The Stephenson County Historical Society Museum is partially supported by the Freeport Park District. However,  many functions of the museum do not receive regular funding and rely completely on memberships, donations, and grants.  Your support is always greatly appreciated!  The Historical Society is responsible for funding things such as collections care and development, exhibitions, educational programming, and events, as well as day-to-day museum operations.


The SCHS is a 501 (c) (3) organization and your donation is tax-deductible.



Donation of Museum Artifacts


The SCHS is also actively collecting artifacts that relate to the history of Stephenson County.  We are currently accepting high quality artifacts that are in original, excellent condition.  


Examples of items the museum is accepting include:

  • Unique items related to Freeport/Stephenson County industries, especially Arcade, Henney, Structo, Stover, and Rawleigh

  • Dirksen Silver pieces

  • Letters, journals, and documents written by or to Stephenson County residents

  • Orginal records of Stephenson County businesses, schools, churches, social organizations, etc.

  • Photographs identified as Stephenson County people or places

  • Objects that are original to the Taylor House and/or belonged to the Taylor Family

  • Early advertising items from Stephenson County businesses

  • Items related to the Lincoln-Douglas debate 


Items that the society cannot accept include:

  • Damaged,  broken, or severely soiled items (unless they are extremely significant)

  • General antiques or "old stuff"

  • Books, magazines, and newspapers not related to Stephenson County

  • Military Uniforms or Wedding Dresses from the 20th Century 

  • Organs or pianos


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Stephenson County Historical Museum
1440 South Carroll Avenue, Freeport, IL


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